The battle continues as i once again ask to spread the words to the people i know but also people who don't know:
Please block and report @/Puftsnutbrain (twitter) and Bonythesquirrel (Instagram and Thread)
So far it's working but i would still appreciate if you not only took your time to read this but also blocked/report and spread the word, that means the world to me and with all my heart i say thank you.
So, yeah, sorry i've been talking about this a lot but i really don't want other people to suffer all because of my two hacked accounts
As for the accounts i'm actually using, follow @bonelacrem88471 (Twitter) and bonylesquirrel (Instagram and Threads)
#hacked #instagram #twitter #scam #block #report #paypal #Twoaccounts #Socialmedia #twohackedaccounts #blog #threads #spreadtheword #pleasespreadtheword